Cybersecurity blog
Our cybersecurity tips

- By: Yves Lepage
- Date: 2 February 2022
Log4j, and its variants
Vulnerabilities in open source software have made headlines and caused security issues for many organizations. What should we be thinking about open source? How can...

- By: Yves Lepage
- Date: 2 February 2022
Using creative thinking for cybersecurity
Cybersecurity goes hand in hand with compliance. And compliance is often tied to reviewers or auditors. The task of auditors is to determine whether an...

- By: Sémafor Conseil
- Date: 10 September 2021
CVE-2021-40444: Microsoft Critical Vulnerability, exploited
A critical vulnerability present in all current versions of Windows and Windows server was discovered on September 7, 2021. Microsoft reports that this vulnerability is...

- By: Yves Lepage
- Date: 9 September 2021
Your internal hackers
The usual situation In organizations, there are computer networks, with computer systems, which run applications (web or other). There is also a whole bunch of...

- By: Sémafor Conseil
- Date: 23 August 2021
Cybersecurity for everyone, everyday
Securing data, whether professional or personal, requires day-to-day actions. Create complex and diverse passwords, refrain from opening emails and private messages the origin of which...

- By: Yves Lepage
- Date: 7 July 2021
If you had to remember just one thing about passwords,...
What do the years 2012, 2016 and 2021 have in common? These are years of data leaks from the social network LinkedIn. And the years...

- By: Yves Lepage
- Date: 18 June 2021
From the web to electronic commerce, security begins with developper...
100% of the worldwide economy depends on the web and its security. Nevertheless, web and web application security are neglected by companies and governments. Discover...