Python Introduction


Table of Contents


Any person wanting to automate stages and create cyber-tools must learn to program. Python is an easy language used by many to build tools in different fields, including cyber.

This training will provide the student with a stepping-stone on understanding programming logic and creating basic scripts to take his skills to the next level.

How to make the most of this course?

In order to succeed in the course, the following requirements must be met:

  • Participation in all practical laboratories
  • Self-work at home between lessons
  • Repetition of materials, self-learning, performing tasks, etc…

In addition to regular classroom studies, the participant is required to practice at least 10 hours a week in order to gain practical experience in the field.
A personal computer suitable for running virtual machines, with an Internet connection
Transition of the scenarios in the Cyberium Arena.

Target audience

  • Anyone comfortable with computers who wants learn the foundation of the most commun cybersecurity & developement language
  • Websites and Apps developers


  • Getting to know Python variables
  • Building basic Python code


Basic computer knowledge



During this module, students will be introduced to the world of Python. Students will learn to install Python and its additional modules.

Technical content

  • Introduction
    Installing of Python
    Variables and Booleans
    Dictionaries and Tuples


Students will learn to work with conditions during this module and create a dynamic code that will operate accordingly.

Technical content

  • Conditions
    Conditional Statements
    While and For Loops
    Scoping and Subroutines
  • Functions
    Working with Functions
    External Functions


This module will teach the students to gain full control of the Linux Environment. The students will learn to administrate their system and manage software and services.

Technical content

  • Python Scripting
    Reading Files
    Extracting Data
    Writing into Files


The following labs are part of the actual Cybersecurity Advanced Notions course:

  • Lab 1 ​Basic Text Manipulation
  • Lab 2 Linux Services
  • Lab 3 Log Filters
  • Lab 4 Linux Bash Scripts
  • Lab 5 System Administration
  • Lab 6 Using Dockers
  • Lab 7 Netcat
  • Lab 8 Local Linux Security

Real Cases Studies

Case Study #1(TRL001)
A Utah-based wind and solar energy company has suffered from a Denial-Of-Service attack that caused a shut off to a part of the company computing assets. You need to analyze the captured traffic to learn about the attack and the attacker.
Case Study #2 (TRL002)
A recent update by Oracle appeared to be bugged; hackers can exploit this vulnerability. Your mission is to scan the company’s assets and discover service versions to protect them from the recent bug.
NS105 - Python Intro

 Course type

This course is delivered in the following ways:

  • Virtual classroom with proctored labs and scenarios executed in our Cyberium Arena
  • In situe classroom with proctored labs and scenarios executed in our Cyberium Arena

All sessions are recorded and attendees can replay them  during 30 days. All course material is electronically made available to the participant.

 Course Group: FOUNDATION


 Hands-on / Theory MiX

The following course incorporates a high level of hands-on labs exercises, as well as real life case studies.

1 %
Case Studies


This course prepares the participant to the following certification:

  • LPIC-1 (LPI)

Required EqUIPMENT

Network connection

As this course extensively uses a cloud based Learning Management System, including a lab arena, attendees need a stable broadband connection to the Internet.

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device

As it is a very practical course, and in order for the sparticipants to make the most of the course, they need a laptop with the following capabilities:

  • Audio and Video
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 200 GB Disk Space
  • Virtualization capabilities ( supporting latest version of Virtualbox or similar virtual machine application)

And also a Good Headset with Mic

More Details
