Network Security

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BT212 - Network Security August 2021
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Case Studies

Network security is a broad term that covers multiple technologies, devices, and processes. Nowadays, every organization, regardless of size, industry, or infrastructure, requires a network security expert in place to protect it from the ever-growing landscape of cyber threats.

During this course, you will discover security vulnerabilities across the entire network using network hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning. You will understand the various types of firewalls available and master both Windows and Linux servers’ hardening.

The course helps prepare for the certification exams CySA+ (CompTIA), Security+ (CompTIA), GISP (SANS), and GISF (SANS).

This course is essential for:

  • Computer or network specialists who want to turn their knowledge into security perspectives
  • Network operatives
  • Programmers & Developers

Cyberium Arena

Cyberium Arena Logo
The CYBERIUM ARENA is a high-end cybersecurity Learning Management System and Simulator, which trains participants in the use of a wide variety of on-line tools for identifying the nature of a cyber attack and responding quickly and appropriately to prevent damage and disable the attacker.

Real Cases Studies

Case Study #1
Just before last Christmas and year-end holidays, Citrix announced that it is Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and Citrix Gateway are vulnerable. The vulnerability allows the attacker to execute arbitrary code on the servers. As the Network security expert, your company put you in charge of this case. Use your Network abilities to find the vulnerability and mitigate it
Case Study #2
Kaspersky Lab reports that A massive DNS cache poisoning attack attempting to infect users trying to access websites is currently underway in Brazil. Several large ISPs in the highly connected country have been affected by the attack. You have been tasked to identify details related to the attack to remediate any damage discovered in the identification phase.
Case Study #3
An investment company in India was a victim of data exposure. By using a popular open-source email server software, which allowed a remote attacker to crash or potentially execute malicious code on the targeted servers. The Indian company hired you as the Network expert to find leads to the attack on their mail servers and mitigate it by hardening their distributions.
Case Study #4
It was discovered that WhatsApp had a critical vulnerability that attackers exploited. Canadian trade company was a victim of the flaw when an attacker silently installed spyware using the vulnerability and targeted customers' phones by merely placing a WhatsApp video call with specially crafted requests. You need to investigate the case, using traffic logs that were monitored during the attack.
Case Study #5
Cybersecurity researchers discovered evidence of Iranian state-sponsored hackers targeting dozens of companies such as IT, telecommunication, oil, gas, government, and security sectors in Israel. The attackers used the exploitation of unpatched VPN vulnerabilities to penetrate and steal information from the targets. Use your security skills to find mitigation for the unpatched VPN.
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